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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Twisted Humor

A news forum contributor who goes by the handle "Vintage Viner" asked the question "So, What Are Some of the Things That Make You Laugh, and Why?" (5/7/10, http://www.newsvine.com/). This was such a sweet article and the responses were all so kind and nice; I really enjoyed reading the whole thing. But then I got to thinking, those things are kind of funny, but what really gets me laughing is far from sweet and innocent. I really didn't want to sully Vintage Viners' article with my macabre sense of humor; so I decided to write my own article where others of my ilk can share their more sinister rib-ticklers.

Just the other day, I had a good laugh when my son was thrown from one of our horses. I know, your thinking "how cruel"; but really it was hillarious. It wasn't that he was bucked off, or that he landed in wet sand. It was the way he just hung in mid-air for a long second; long enough for me to study the expression on his face (I continue to chuckle as I write this). But I am not alone in my amusement at my son's expense. No, the whole family was there, and we were all cracking up, as my son brushed the sand from his clothes. We laughed all the harder as my son explained how he had sufficient time while hanging in the air to plan out several options on how he should land.

I laughed for hours after my daughter-in-law smashed her finger between two rocks. Now, come on, that's funny! I also found it amusing when my nephew was tossed off his horse, who he was trying to ride with just a halter and lead for the first time. She was heading for a stand of trees to scrap him off with, so I'm guessing he was pretty lucky to have been tossed before she got there. And I laughed when my granddaughter bumped her head on the cabinet, then did it again to make sure it really hurt before she cried about it. Of course I also laughed when I splashed hot olive oil on my hand while making dinner the other night (dumb move).

Do I sound like a horrible person? Perhaps I need therapy? If so, I am not alone. Two summers ago the family and I went camping. This in itself is not unusual or particularly funny but what happened proved to me that my family and I are not the only evil people on the earth. As a matter of fact I think most campers have a twisted sense of humor. We didn't go out on our own, away from humanity as we usually do; this time we went to a public campground, paid the fee, and set up in a tiny square of dirt surrounded by dozens of other campers. It was noisy, and smoky, and unpleasant for the most part. There were showers, and other facilities and even paved roads and trails (yuck). As the sun was setting there were two boys riding their bikes on all these stretches of pavement. They were having a great time, which was somewhat annoying (as any young boy having a good time can be). It slowly got darker and darker and the campground got quieter and quieter; except for these two bicycling boys. Then one said "Maybe we should stop, it's getting pretty dark" to which the other replied "Nah, I can see fine". Immediately after that we heard: bump, bump, squeal, thump, scream, and crash! After only the slightest moment of silence the entire campground burst into laughter. I'm sure somebody, somewhere, felt sympathy for that poor boy; but they weren't in the campground that night.

So, think what you will of me, I am sure that even you have laughed at someone else's misfortune. These little stories here are only a tiny fraction of the tales I could tell of hardy, evil laughter. Now, I invite you all to share your moments of macabre humor.